Learn Why Even Minor Auto Accident Injuries Shouldn’t Be Ignored

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Health

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Not all car accidents result in injuries that require medical attention. It’s entirely possible to be involved in an auto accident injury in Orlando that results in seemingly minor injuries. You might even feel as if nothing is wrong and you’re good to go. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Here’s why even minor auto accident injuries shouldn’t be ignored.

Symptoms May Be Delayed

Whiplash is a common auto accident injury in Orlando that results from sudden neck movements. This type of trauma can strain soft tissues in your neck without actually breaking any bones. It’s also a complex injury that can produce delayed symptoms that may not show up until a day or more after the initial car accident. You may also experience delayed symptoms from:

  • Damaged spinal discs
  • Head or brain injuries
  • Broken ribs

Low-Impact Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries

The majority of auto accidents are low-impact accidents, which is generally defined as accidents that involve speeds under 10 miles per hour. With accidents of this nature, there may be a natural inclination to assume the resulting injuries are minor. However, neck and back strains that can be problematic later can occur at low speeds. This is also true with injuries involving spinal bones and joints.Learn Why Even Minor Auto Accident Injuries Shouldn’t Be IgnoredThe majority of auto accidents are low-impact accidents, which is generally defined as accidents that involve speeds under 10 miles per hour. With accidents of this nature, there may be a natural inclination to assume the resulting injuries are minor. However, neck and back strains that can be problematic later can occur at low speeds. This is also true with injuries involving spinal bones and joints.

Symptoms Can Be Confused With Other Conditions

If you walk away from an auto accident where you have jostled around or you sustained a head impact, you may believe you’re in the clear if you’re able to get back to your normal routine fairly quickly. But you may soon find yourself having difficulty sleeping or developing short-term memory issues. If you were never evaluated after your accident, you might assume these delayed symptoms have entirely different sources.

It’s also important for victims of an auto accident injury in Orlando to have their injuries documented. This information is often necessary for insurance purposes or if legal action is involved. Even just finding out that everything is alright after having some basic tests done can provide much-appreciated peace of mind.

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