If you suffer from chronic neck, back or nerve pain, you may have tried countless pain relief options such as chiropractic therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, pain medications and even surgery. If you didn’t receive any relief from those treatments, or if your condition only worsened as a result of them, you may feel discouraged and at a loss as to what to try next. However, don’t lose hope just yet, as there are alternative pain management options. One of those options is Hf10 therapy in Port Jefferson, NY.
What is hF10 Therapy?
Hf10 is a similar to spinal cord stimulation in that it utilizes implanted stimulants to block the sensation of pain from reaching the brain. This treatment is designed for patients who have tried SCS but were disappointed by the results, or for those who are in such excruciating pain that the weaker stimulants of typical SCS would not be nearly strong enough to alleviate their discomfort.
Who Can Benefit From Hf10?
Any patient who has tried spinal cord stimulation to treat chronic pain and who has been disappointed in its results may find that Hf10 therapy is a better fit for them. However, most therapists or doctors may recommend the treatment for individuals who experience debilitating neck, back and nerve pain, and for whom SCS may be a waste of time.
What Are the Advantages of Hf10?
Hf10 is a much stronger therapy option than SCS, as it utilizes pain pacemakers that are approximately 10kHz, while SCS’s pacemakers are only a fraction of that power. Additionally, whereas SCS stimulants come with sleeping and driving restrictions, Hf10’s system remains active 24/7/365 for continuous pain relief. This is because hF10 doesn’t come with the tingling sensation that SCS comes with. With Hf10, the only sensation you will feel is pure pain relief.
Some other less noted advantages include a longer battery life (up to ten years) and the lack of a remote. While these benefits are overshadowed by the other greater advantages, they do offer convenience where traditional SCS doesn’t.
If you’ve exhausted all other pain management options, Hf10 therapy in Port Jefferson, NY, may be right for you. However, you should discuss the pros and cons of the therapy with your doctor before making a final decision. Like with all pain relief treatments, Hf10 does come with its disadvantages, which is why it is important to do your research and speak with an experienced physician before making any final decisions. Visit Dr. Brian Durkin for more information!