Three Reasons to Schedule an Ophthalmologist Visit in St. Augustine, FL

by | Dec 19, 2022 | Optometrists

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When was your last ophthalmologist visit? Ophthalmologists aren’t just for people who wear glasses or have eye problems. They are also important for evaluating eye health and preventing future issues, especially as you get older. Here are three reasons to schedule a visit with an ophthalmologist in St. Augustine today.

Preventative Care

The number one reason to visit an ophthalmologist is for preventative care. It’s important to catch eye diseases and potential problems as soon as possible to prevent vision loss. Your ophthalmologist can test for glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and other problems.

Visual Disturbances

Do you have a hard time seeing at night, experience blurry vision or reduced peripheral vision? It’s time to see an ophthalmologist in St. Augustine for an evaluation. These visual disturbances may seem minor, but they can be early signs of eye disease.

Headaches or Eye Pain

You might think that your headaches, eye pain and sensitivity to light are just migraines, but these symptoms can also indicate a problem with your eyes. If your doctor has diagnosed you with common migraines, consider visiting an ophthalmologist for a second opinion to rule out eye disease.

Are you looking for a quality eye care practice for preventative care, diagnosis or treatment? The dedicated eye care specialists at Business Name have set the standard for eye care in Florida and pioneered new eye treatments. See what they can do for you at Web.

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