Consider Undergoing Non-Surgical Treatments for Natural Fat Removal

by | May 15, 2019 | Surgery

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Most people would agree that losing weight is often a real challenge. It can become even more difficult as individuals age and metabolism levels slow down. Fad diets and quick cures are not only largely ineffective, they can be dangerous as well. Why not consider undergoing one of the many highly effective and safe non-surgical treatments for true natural fat removal that can last with the proper diet and exercise plan going forward? Learn more about the fantastic non-surgical fat removal Naperville area cosmetic experts and plastic surgeons currently offer by making a discreet and highly informative consultation appointment today.

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary cosmetic fat removal and body contouring method that can be completed in several easy non-invasive sessions each lasting one hour or less. This is FDA approved, and it works by utilizing cooling therapy that causes stubborn fat cells to be destroyed by freezing at the cellular level. Afterwards, the patient is able to return to their normal routines without any downtime or long recovery phases other surgical body-slimming methods require. Over a period of time, the treated fat cells that were targeted are naturally eliminated by the body. Find out more about this impressive procedure for non-surgical fat removal Naperville located cosmetic professionals offer in their spectacular menu options.

Another excellent procedure for effective and comfortable non-surgical fat removal Naperville patients are able to undergo locally is Kybella treatment. Kybella is a fat-busting procedure that is injected directly into fatty deposit areas like underneath the chin, upper arms and other locations. This treatment requires no surgery, and following the treatments, of which several might be required, the patient might have some minimal swelling afterwards that resolves in one week or less. Interested parties can contact Center for Cosmetic & Laser Surgery by phone or via

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