When To Seek Chiropractic Services For Back Pain

by | Aug 29, 2024 | Health & Wellness

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Can a Primary Care Doctor Offer Chiropractic Services?

When most people think of chiropractors, they think of a specialist who works outside of a primary care facility. A chiropractor’s role is holistic healing; they work with muscles, tendons, nerves, bones, and ligaments. They work with each client to minimize pain and maximize flexibility during movement. They can realign your joints to restore mobility and maintain stability while easing muscle tension.

What makes chiropractic treatment in Jacksonville, FL so unique is that it’s done from a primary care office. At North Florida Medical Center, patients can receive a wide range of services, including chiropractic care.

When Are Chiropractic Services Needed for Pain?

Occasional neck, back, or muscle pain is normal. However, pain that persists in those areas needs medical attention. Good chiropractic treatment in Jacksonville, FL is the kind that should target the source of any muscle or joint pain prior to treatment.

A good chiropractor can take the steps needed to start the recovery process. They can develop a comprehensive treatment plan that helps each patient minimize pain and restore personal mobility.

Patients experiencing limited range of motion may benefit from extensive muscle work. A good massage followed by extensive physical therapy can help revive mobility and restore balance. In most cases, a light exercise regimen is recommended.

Those who engage in sports are at risk of injury and may require chiropractic care. Work-related injuries due to falls and heavy lifting put a strain on bones and muscles. A chiropractor can use heat therapy, bone adjustments, and massage therapy to target each injury.

Chiropractic treatment in Jacksonville, FL can treat strains, injuries, and much more. Visit https://nfmcjax.com to learn more.

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