In Hawaii, women and men experience major changes as they grow older. These changes alter their appearance and hinder their self-confidence. A variety of cosmetic procedures helps them to rediscover their youth and eliminate common hindrances. A local cosmetic surgeon provides the chosen Plastic Surgery Chicago IL to address these concerns today.
A More Youthful Appearance
Facial plastic surgery helps individuals eliminate the most common signs of aging. The clinician presents several procedures to correct these visible signs. These conditions are attributed to sun damage, sagging of the skin, the loss of elasticity, and weight gain. The clinician assesses each patient and provides advice about procedures to achieve a more youthful appearance.
Elimination of Sagging Skin
Sagging skin is eliminated through face, neck, and chin lifts. These procedures allow the clinician to cut away sagging skin. Next, the pull up the skin and tighten it through the application of sutures. Select procedures may also involve the installation of implants that support the skin more effectively. This prevents the skin from sagging in the future by providing an adequate support.
Minimizing Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Facial procedures such as Botox and fillers reduce the visible signs of wrinkles and fine lines. These procedures are temporary; however, they are long lasting. Patients receive injections after the clinician applies a numbing agent to the skin. The skin plumps instantly and without major side effects.
Correction of Features
Rhinoplasty is a surgery that allows for the correction of facial features. Patients who aren’t satisfied with the appearance of their nose undergo this procedure. The clinician reshapes the nose by trimming away cartilage and excessive skin. This provides the patient with a more contoured appearance and the elimination of hindering features. The surgery also corrects a deviated septum that is the major cause of sleep apnea.
In Hawaii, women and men experience major changes due to the aging process. These changes present them with wrinkles and fine lines. They also experience changes due to sun damage and medical conditions. Patients who wish to acquire Plastic Surgery Oahu HI to correct these changes should contact The Ferguson Clinic for more information about these opportunities today.