Signs it’s Time to Find a New Pediatrician in Starkville, MS

by | Jul 31, 2018 | Health

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Finding the right pediatrician can be a hassle, leading many parents to settle for a doctor that is less than a perfect fit for their children. This is a mistake, as access to exceptional care during this stage of life can prepare children for success later on.

Parents don’t have to settle for a practice that doesn’t offer everything they need, though. Instead, they should keep an eye out for the following signs that it’s time to find a new Pediatrician in Starkville MS who will be able to offer a better level of care.

Failure to See Eye to Eye

Pediatricians receive specialized training in treating childhood illnesses and disorders, so parents should follow the advice that they offer. That doesn’t mean they’ll always see eye to eye, though. Parents who feel that they are being judged for how they are deciding to raise their children should look for a doctor who is on the same page, provided their parenting decisions are backed by research and are not placing their children in danger.

Lack of Developmental Screening

Pediatricians look for certain milestones when it comes to child development using routine screenings. These can’t just be performed once, but should instead be the focus of conversation at every visit. If a pediatrician is not providing adequate developmental screening, it’s time to look for one who will.

Repeated Misdiagnoses

Medical science isn’t always exact, so one harmless misdiagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean that a doctor is not qualified to provide care. If, however, parents are finding that their children’s pediatricians repeatedly misdiagnose their problems, it should be interpreted as a serious red flag.

Issues With Office Staff

A visit to a pediatrician in Starkville MS doesn’t just involve seeing the doctor. It also involves interacting with receptionists and other staff members. These interactions should always be positive and the office should create a welcoming environment for children and parents alike.

Unwillingness to Answer Questions

Parents should feel that they can trust their children’s pediatricians to offer sound advice about nutrition, child development, and home care as well as medical diagnoses. If they feel that their questions are not being answered or that their doctors do not take their concerns seriously, it’s time to look for another practice. Read more about one pediatrician’s office that has a well-deserved reputation for excellence today to get started making the switch.

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