Efficacy Testing Guarantees Remarkable, Beneficial Skincare Products

by | Oct 26, 2017 | Health

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Manufacturing skincare products can be a tricky thing. While you most likely have no doubt about the eventual success of your product since there is such a need for it and it offers so many benefits, there is often a lot more to think about during formulation than you may have originally thought. Will your future clients be able to use this product easily and have the experience be to their satisfaction? Skincare testing labs will help you with this by providing highly proficient and thorough efficacy testing.

What Is Efficacy Testing?

Efficacy testing examines a wide variety of aspect of a skincare product, with the ultimate goal of making certain that it is of the finest quality and easy for customers to use. Efficacy testing is especially important for sun protection and OTC products. Here are a few factors that efficacy testing can determine:

-Migration – When you put on sunscreen or cosmetics, you expect them to stay in one place for as long as possible. Migration testing examines how well the product stays put even when the skin is sweating or submerged in water. To this end, the product is tested under a variety of conditions to be sure it will hold up even in humid climates or, particularly in the case of sunscreen, for several hours in water.

-Moisture Testing – When people apply skincare products, they generally have come to expect them to have a soft, soothing and smooth texture that is easy to apply and feels great on the skin. With moisture testing, the product is tested using highly effective equipment and procedures. Its effect on the skin is completely analyzed.

-Sun Protection Testing – With a sun protection skincare product, efficacy is even more important than usual. It is absolutely vital that people can use this product and be completely confident that their skin will suffer no ill effects from the sun’s damaging rays.

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