4 Mobility Products To Install In Your Home

by | Dec 24, 2019 | Medical Clinic

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Day to day living with disabilities or as an elder can present many challenges. Battling a loss of strength and being in constant fear of falling can prevent you from taking baths, getting dressed, preparing meals, and moving around your home as often as you would like. However, there are tools to help you stay mobile during this tough time. Here are four mobility products that you can purchase for your home.

Wheel Chair Lift

For those with standard wheelchairs, staircases and other barriers can be a burden to travel along, especially when you are needing to get around your own home. A wheelchair lift Los Angeles CA is an elevated platform designed to help you travel across the barrier vertically or on an incline. These resilient aids come in all sizes and can be set up both in and outdoors.

Stair Lift

If a wheelchair lift Los Angeles CA doesn’t suit your lifestyle, a stair lift is a perfect alternative. These portable units prevent physical injuries by providing a safe seat for its users as it travels up a flight of stairs.

Safety Pole

Getting out of bed in the morning or rising after sitting comfortably for a period of time can be a difficult transition to make. Installing safety poles in frequented areas, like at the edge of your bed or near your favorite reading chair, will make it easy to stand up without having to call for assistance.

Grab Bar

Unfortunately, a slippery bathtub is where many falls occur. Getting a grab bar installed will help you keep your balance while freshening up.

Here at Call Before You Fall, we believe in safe, independent living conditions. Offering all kinds of safe-traveling tools, from various lifts to ramps, we are here to fall-proof your home from the inside out.

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