Residential Recovery Homes as Part of Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Fort Myers, FL

by | Mar 9, 2018 | Healthcare

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When someone has been struggling with a chemical dependency for a long time, the chance to move to a recovery residence where the use alcohol and other drugs are prohibited may seem like a huge relief. The person will have housemates to create a strong support system in this stage of Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Fort Myers FL. Rules help everyone live a structured life instead of the chaotic situations that commonly occur during heavy drinking or drug use.

Level 3

The rental homes managed by this kind of organization are categorized as level 3 by the National Alliance for Recovery Residences. Residents are under a certain amount of supervision by paid staff members, and the lifestyle is more structured than residences categorized at levels 1 and 2. The homes can be very appropriate for individuals who have recently finished a residential rehabilitation program and feel they are at risk of returning to old habits without this level of structure.

Full-Time Work or Studying

One main element of this structure with a treatment center like Nextep is the requirement to be employed full time, a full-time student, or to be actively looking for a full-time job. Even disabled individuals are expected to participate in volunteer work in the community or provide extra help around the house. The idea is for the residents to lead productive, fulfilling lives to help them avoid the desire to use mind-altering chemicals. Visit the website to learn about this particular organization.

Free Time Structure

Maintaining a structured schedule during nights and weekends can be essential for recovery since these often are the times most associated with alcohol and drug use. Weekends can be a time for working around the house and yard. Residents might use their free time to take up a hobby they find interesting or study a certain topic.

Examples of Rules

Residents in this stage of Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Fort Myers FL will have a curfew and must agree to random drug and alcohol testing. They are responsible for chores around the house. They must attend support group meetings as directed. All-around clean living is typically expected to enhance spiritual growth and self-discipline.

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