In the US, according to the National Institutes of Health, 15% of children are currently diagnosed with a behavioral disorder. These figures, constantly increasing, cause many parents to consult a Pediatric Office in Starkville MS. Behavioral disorders, hyperactivity and OCD are behavioral disturbances that destabilize and worry parents, but also those people working in schools.
It is important to understand the origin of these behavioral disorders and the different solutions to treat them.
What are the possible causes of behavioral disorders in young children?
During their development, each child may have behavioral problems. For example, in kindergarten, many children have oppositional disorders, which is a low concern because it is part of their growth. However, behavioral disorders become abnormal if they become persistent and repetitive, which may be very disturbing to parents and teachers.
The causes of behavioral disorders are not well known. They could revolve around various factors, such as the child’s temperament, biological abnormalities, genetic or social factors, psychological and/or emotional factors. These causes may vary depending on the type of disorder of the child and, of course, is different in each case. For this reason, it is best to consult a Pediatric Office in Starkville MS if your child presents these disorders.
According to the American Academy of Pediatricians, and supported by other research, the causes of behavioral disorders may be due to emotional, educational, social or trauma deficits in early childhood. Moral or physical malignancy, family context issues, underprivileged social environment or separation of the parents would be factors that could cause behavioral disorders. The child manifests his or her frustration through their behavior.
This is especially the case if the child is very young and cannot yet verbalize his or her emotions.
How to treat the behavioral problems of a young child?
This is a sensitive subject because parents often feel helpless in the face of these disorders and do not always understand that help can be provided. In addition, they are afraid that their child will be treated as “abnormal” and that their educational needs will be challenged. According to a report by the World Health Organization, and contrary to popular belief, behavioral disorders are common during childhood.
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