Diagnostic Imaging: What It Is & How It Works?

by | Aug 13, 2021 | Health

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Diagnostic imaging technology has revolutionized healthcare, allowing for earlier detection of medical disorders, fewer unnecessary, intrusive procedures, and improved outcomes. Let’s take a closer look at diagnostic imaging and learn about the many forms of imaging.

What Is Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnostic imaging refers to various procedures of looking inside the body to determine the source of an illness or damage. It is generally employed to confirm a diagnosis. Doctors also use it to assess how a patient responds to fracture or sickness therapy.

Some of the most common diagnostic imaging procedures in Orlando and worldwide include MRI Scans, MRA Scans, CT Scans, Ultrasounds, X-rays, Mammography, Arthograms, Myelograms, and Bone Density Scans.

How It Works

Diagnostic imaging devices and procedures generate images of your body’s activities and structures. Based on the body part being examined and your symptoms, your doctor will choose which medical imaging tests are required.

Most imaging examinations are simple, painless, and noninvasive. However, you may be required to stay motionless within the machine for an extended period of time, which can be painful. Some tests expose you to a little amount of radiation.

The doctor may also insert a scope – a small camera attached to a thin tube – into your body for further imaging tests. The scope is passed via a bodily entrance or passageway to allow them to examine the inside of a specific organ, such as your heart, colon, lungs, etc. This kind of diagnostic imaging procedure may necessitate anesthesia.

Your doctor will choose the right diagnostic imaging procedure for you based on your case.

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