Deciding whether to have genital gender confirmation surgery – also known as bottom surgery – or not can be a huge decision for transgender people. While many people are happy with their body as-is, many others feel that they would be more comfortable and more empowered if their physical appearance better matched their own view of their gender. Here are some tips for trans women for deciding whether to have transgender surgery from male to female or not.
Weight Your Options
You have more options than just having bottom surgery. As a trans woman, you may choose any of the following:
- Having breast augmentation surgery, but not bottom surgery.
- Having genital gender confirmation surgery, but not top surgery.
- Having both breast augmentation and genital surgery.
- Forgoing both types of major surgery, opting instead for aesthetic feminization procedures.
Some trans women also decide to use hormone replacement therapy for a while before – or even instead of – having any kind of surgery. Talk to your healthcare provider about your options and any challenges you may face in achieving your goals.
Understand Those Options
Knowing that you’d like to have visible breasts or a vagina instead of a penis is an easy choice for many trans women. Knowing exactly what those surgeries entail is much more complex.
Be sure to educate yourself on the procedures you will undergo should you choose these routes. Knowing what to expect will allow you to make the right decision for yourself and your body.
Get Support – Surgery or Not
Regardless of what type of surgery you decide to have – or not to have – it is important that you find the right trans-educated support system to utilize during your transition and beyond. For many people, this means finding a transgender health center that employs both mental and physical health experts to help them through the many phases of transition.
If you’re looking for support in your area, talk to your current primary care or mental health care provider and ask for references. Remember to reach out to friends and family too – but always make decisions for your own best interests. It’s your body and your transition journey; choose the path that leads you to where you feel you belong!